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State Planning Assessment Tools

Introduction to the Course

The source of Malaysia’s economic growth is supported by growth and development at state levels. Right kinds of policy decisions aiming towards sustainable futures are essential in achieving competitive advantage for a state or region. The strategic choices are especially important because of the often very scarce resources in a state. The evolutionary economic theory has indicated the great difference of the development paths of the states in seemingly similar circumstances, which manifests the unique character of each state, and the need of understanding the importance of path dependency in regional development. Helpful tools for supporting regional strategy building and decision-making in extremely different regions are needed. This course is designed to equip the policy makers and government officials at state level with key economic planning tools for planning and development of state and city levels.

What topics does the course cover?

The course covers the basic understanding of the most important planning assessment tools used in practices which include time-series, shift-share, economic base, location quotient, value-added and input-output analyses.

What will the participant be able to do after attending this course:

  • Understanding the key economic tools in planning and development at state and city levels
  • Applying the technical skills of various planning assessment tools.

Get a Quotation

For your quotation or inquries, please contact Ms. Nabila (011-1194 2707) or email to
* Meals and venues are excluded from the package

Other Courses:

Input-Output Technique for State Economic Planning

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