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Jadual Input-Output Negeri dan Rancangan Pembangunan Negeri Sembilan (RPNS)

This study constructs an inter-state and inter-district input-output table for Negeri Sembilan and several satellite accounts. Using the database, a medium-term development plan namely Rancangan Pembangunan Negeri Sembilan (RPNS, 2021-2025) is developed.

RPNS 2021-2025 is a medium-term plan with the objective of making Negeri Sembilan Progressive, Prosperous and Sustainable, was developed to provide a foundation for the reform and transformation of Negeri Sembilan. The drafting of this plan is outlined to be in line with the development goals of Modern Negeri Sembilan 2045 and in line with the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (WKB 2030) as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) under the 2030 Agenda.

This innovative approach elevates Negeri Sembilan as a pioneer in the creation of state and district-level input-output tables in Malaysia, further strengthening the planning method and the basis of the state’s economic development. Through this database, more targeted and productive policy interventions can be carried out taking into account the impact and potential of economic sectors thus helping to reduce the inefficiency of resource use in an effort to increase economic growth holistically.

For details, please contact our economist:

Dr. Muhammad Daaniyall Abd Rahman
Senior Economist

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