011-1194 2707 (Nabila)
Introduction to the Course
This course aims to improve the design and implementation of policies intended to promote job creation by building the capacity of all relevant stakeholders to identify, measure and assess the employment effects of economic, sectoral,trade-related or labour market policies. In particular, the course will impart the competencies needed to make informed decisions about how to measure best and evaluate the results of interventions to promote jobs at various geographical locations, and vulnerable and targeted groups.
Topics Covered
This course is structured based on methodologies, tools, and approaches developed by the EU-ERA and International Organizations such as International Labour Oraganization (ILO) on accessing labour market outcomes. Topics that include are Integration of supply and demand of labour in a single assessment tool; evaluation of economic impact assessment on labour; ex-ante versus ex-post impact analysis : a wide array of methods; and all about the data needs and collection methods.
Who Should Attend?
- Government officials involved in the design & implementation of economic, social and environmental policies;
- Researchers and business analysts from private-sector entities and non-governmental organisations
- Academicians, research officers and graduate students from private and public universities
Fee Includes
- Training materials
- Buffet lunch
- Refreshments
- Certificate of attendance

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yusof Saari (Yusof)
Yusof is an Associate Professor at School of Business and Economics at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Recently, Yusof serving as the Center for Future Labour Market Studies’ Chief Economist at the (EU-ERA). Yusof holds a PhD degree in Economics from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands and has written extensively on issues related to development economics with specific applications of input output, social accounting matrix (SAM) and applied general equilibrium models. Yusof also one of the prominent speakers and writers in the Malaysian news and printed media.

Dr. Daaniyall Abd Rahman (Daani)
Daani is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and a Senior Economist at the Centre for Future Labour Market Studies (EUERA). He is also the Managing Director for the Review of Labour Market Policy (RLMP), official journal for EU-ERA. He studied economics in UPM and obtained his PhD at the University of Sydney, Australia in 2018. His research mostly related to application of economic wide modelling for sustainability analysis that portrays an inclusive policy making in term of economic, social and environment. Recently, he focuses more on labour market analysis pertaining to external market impact, regional labour market
dynamics, productivity and growth that employs macroeconomic models.