011-1194 2707 (Nabila)
Introduction to the Course
The course deals with some understanding of the basic concept in econometrics and its application to economic data. The main thrust of this course will be on modelling of single-equation economic time series. In modern econometrics, all estimations have to deal with non-stationary variables characterize with non-constant mean and variances that resulted in spurious regression problem. In this workshop, we introduce and explore the concept of unit root, cointegration and long-run modelling to avoid such spurious regression issues. The applied work will be performed by using EViews, a program for statistical and econometric analysis, and forecasting distribute by Quantitative Micro Software, LLc, USA. It is intended to help prospective researchers produce better and acceptable research output and ultimately published in some technical reports, working papers, reputable journal, in the region or internationally, by using effective quantitativ technique with the help of some econometric software.
Topics Covered
The course is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the basic concept in econometric methods, regression analysis, hypothesis testing, diagnostic checking, causality analysis and forecasting. The second part deals with non-stationary time series. Unit root and cointegration testing; error-correction and autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) modelling. All hand-on sessions will use E-Views econometric software.
Who Should Attend?
- Government officials involved in the design & implementation of economic, social and environmental policies;
- Researchers and business analysts from private-sector entities and non-governmental organisations
- Academicians, research officers and graduate students from private and public universities
Fee Includes
- Training materials
- Buffet lunch
- Refreshments
- Certificate of attendance

Prof. Dr. Muzafar Shah Habibullah (Muzafar)
Muzafar is a Professor at the Putra Business School and a Senior Economist at the Centre for Future Labour Market Studies (EU-ERA). He holds a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. He is a former Head of Economics Department and Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He works with UPM for 33 years until his retirement in 2018. Throughout his career, he has published more than 500 documents including journal articles, books, edited books, chapters in books, and chapters in proceedings. He has conducted numerous econometric workshops at various universities, associations/institutions and government agencies in Malaysia