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Input-Output Technique for State Economic Planning

Introduction to the Course

One of the most important advantages of input-output analysis lies in its ability to capture direct and indirect impacts embodied in the vast interconnected supply chain networks. These interconnected supply chains can be examined to assess the economic, social and environmental impacts of doing business using a single comprehensive framework. At the state level, the most frequently used input-output analysis is to find the key economic sectors, backward and forward linkages, and multiplier impacts for economic (e.g. value added and output), social (e.g. income and employment) and environment (e.g. energy use and carbon emission). Using input-output analysis at state level would reduce the “policy blind spots” because economic structures of state are different than Malaysia as a whole. Although input-output analysis is an economy-wide and informative tool to deal with important practical policy issues; they should be developed with great care and used with prudence. Thus, this course is designed to expose participants with information and skills to develop simple input-output models for state economic planning.

What topics does the course cover?

The course is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the fundamental concepts and quantifications of standard input-output model. The second part extends the framework by integrating social and environmental physical indicators with monetary transactions. The last part introduces several applications and illustrates how they have been used for analyzing sustainability issues such as the socio-economic and environmental effects of growth, and the main drivers of changing environmental pressures imposed by human activities.

What will the participant be able to do after attending this course:

  • Understanding the foundation and application of input-output at state level
  • Technical skills in finding key economic sectors, backward and forward linkages, and multiplier impacts
  • Measuring the impacts of policy interventions on economics, social and environment

Get a Quotation

For your quotation or inquries, please contact Ms. Nabila (011-1194 2707) or email to
* Meals and venues are excluded from the package

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